I've got a day off to sit on the sofa and watch a bunch of videos and movies. My comma button is in a coma so I can't type lists or address anyone or mark a break in a sentence or write quotes. I hate that. I hate trying to write with this disabled keyboard. I know that I should buy a USB keyboard and forget about this mess. But I am too lazy to do that. So for now pardon the awkward grammar.
Tyler has been murdering the speakers in my room for the last month or so. I don't know what the fuck it is about this music but I've gotten pretty violent and rash since OFWGKTA emerged. My roommates are afraid of what I may do. The other night I took a shit out off the balcony onto a pinata party. Surprise! Fecal sprinkles in your fucking disgusting Lucas powder candy shit. Why the fuck was Lucas even popular in the first place? It tasted like sweat. Ass sweat. It tasted like gooch matter or taint residue. I'd imagine enjoying it if I found pleasure in snorting chopped up pubic hair.
Anyway Tyler is the shit. But for how long? I say five months and two weeks exactly. Either way I'm loving it.
Also in case you haven't already heard of this website The Hype Machine (which would be ridiculous) check it out! It's a website that does all the hard work of music discovery for you. LAZY ASSES!
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